The Memphis Times is launched as of May 11, 2022. The meaning of its launching and the value of its existence are extremely precious, valuable, or priceless in the local communities of Memphis around Tennessee, around eastern Arkansas, and around northern Mississippi especially where superficial quasi-journalism exists or commercially slanting journalism can’t accomplish their social missions. It is above not only gold but also diamond.
The newspaper is going to perform its local journalism on the basis of moral integrity, exceptional inspiration, marvellous creativity, incredible courage, astonishing tenacity, admirable pertinacious, and journalistic excellence. The local communities around Memphis deserve them. They may have been unsatisfied desires but undiscovered demand in the local media market.
The Times can’t achieve its mission alone. It needs social cooperation and divison of roles with such local communities. Your indivisual participation and social devotion are required or recommended for the more perfect communities. We truly believe that Memphis and its satellite communities can be much better places in cooperation and in collaboration with the good local leaders and responsible citizens in the local communities.
This first step is a small but big one.
The Editorial of the Memphis Times
Published: May 11, 2022