Analysis Archives - The Memphis Times The Digital Newspaper for Memphis Community Sun, 30 Jul 2023 19:13:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214724253 [Analysis] Why there are a lot of machinations in Memphis, TN Sun, 30 Jul 2023 18:34:52 +0000 This notice is a Preview or a Trailer about the Analysis. (The editor’s note: The analysis is being written right now. But it is not finished yet. Please, visit next time or on another day. Thank you.) This analysis is about why there were and are a lot of machinations in Memphis, TN. It is … Continue reading "[Analysis] Why there are a lot of machinations in Memphis, TN"

The post [Analysis] Why there are a lot of machinations in Memphis, TN appeared first on The Memphis Times.

This notice is a Preview or a Trailer about the Analysis.

(The editor’s note: The analysis is being written right now. But it is not finished yet. Please, visit next time or on another day. Thank you.)

This analysis is about why there were and are a lot of machinations in Memphis, TN.

It is the empirical or intuitive analysis rather than the scientific or data-driven one.


There exist such phenomena of a lot of machinations or schemes in the city of Memphis, Shelby County, TN.


Historical Reason.
Cultural Reason.
Economic/Business Reason.
Psychological Reason.
Legal Reason.
Frame/Coercion towards the victims.
The problem of the legal profession, judicial circles, or legal professionals in Memphis
(The evils and the harmful effects of vicious, malicious, or crooked lawyers in Memphis)


Memphis can move forward towards an advanced city in the United States if/when such culture of machination disappear or decrease dramatically.

The culture of machination is the malignant tumor in Memphis.

Published: July 30, 2023

The Memphis Times

The post [Analysis] Why there are a lot of machinations in Memphis, TN appeared first on The Memphis Times.
