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When you have legal issues around Memphis, TN, AR, and MS
It will not be about IF, but it will about WHEN.
Law is, according to the definition of Britannica, the discipline and profession concerned with the customs, practices, and rules of conduct of a community that are recognized as binding by the community. Enforcement of the body of rules is through a controlling authority. Lawsuit is said to be a proceeding by a party or parties against another in the civil court of law. And the conduct of a lawsuit is called litigation.
In order for you to perform the legal process of litigations, you need to have legal knowledge or information about the substantial laws and procedural ones. In order for you to have legal knowledge or information, you need to have access to legal materials. Basically there are two categories of that access, which are online and offline nowadays in the modern era.
In this column Mr. Hwang tries to explain several ways for you to get that access OFFLINE for the local communities around Memphis. He will explain other ONLINE useful materials in another essay. He can’t give you cash for your daily life, but he can share with you what he knows. That’s the way he thinks he can contribute to American society or to the local communities around Memphis, TN, AR, and MS.
One of the best ways to absorb any kind of knowledge is to read books in that genre. There are some libraries when you can try to go to for any topic that you want to know. The information in this column is not for legal professionals, but for the general public around Memphis.
First, you can go to Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library. Its address is 3030 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN 38111. Its phone number is (901) 415-2700. There are a lot of books there. Anybody can go. It is free. It is funded by taxpayers and operated by their money.
Second, you can try to go to Cordova Branch Library. Its address is 8457 Trinity Rd, Cordova, TN 38018. Its phone number is (901) 415-2764. They even have the book of Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure there at the library, which Mr. Hwang couldn’t see at the libraries of Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library or University of Memphis.
The litigations are not cheap in the United States because of the high level of legal costs. They can or may be actually quite expensive not only the legal costs themselves but also the lengthiness and lack of formula or fixed form of litigations. The fact that this library has the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure may mean or represent that there were local residents who were affluent enough to pay for the legal costs when they got angry, upset, or furious (not just angry to some degree but very or extremely angry in their lifetime).
Third, you can try to go to Barnes & Noble near Wolfchase Galleria in Bartlett, TN. Its address is 2774 N Germantown Pkwy, Memphis, TN 38133. Its phone number is (901) 386-2468. There is no specialized legal section at the bookstore, but the small part is called “Reference” section. The bookstore is a commecial one, so it has practical books for general public than academic books for scholars or university students. You may find one of the books in the very small section may be useful for your case or need because they are practical.
Fourth, it’s the time to talk about the library of University of Memphis. It is called Ned R. McWherter Library. Its address is 126 Ned Mcwherter Library, Memphis, TN 38152. Its phone number is (901) 678-2205. It is a university library, so the books there are more academic ones for academic purposes rather than practical ones for marketing purposes in the book market or in the publishing industry.
Legal books are located on the third floor in the library in the university. The legal topics vary from american legal system to real estate, contract, tort, business, insurance, family, to criminal law, its procedure and Constitution. There are great academic legal books there. With picking up only one book in the section, you can have broad and concise understanding about legal landscape in the sector or situation which you want or need to understand.
Fifth, the law school library of University of Memphis is the highest peak among the legal materials around Memphis. Its address is 1 N Front St, Memphis, TN 38103. Its address is (901) 678-2426. It is the library in Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law which is located on the downtown in Memphis.
This library is not for the general public, but for law school students who are going to be legal professionals. Attorneys, scholars, and researchers can use this library, too. Even local residents or visitors can go to the library IF they have permissions to get in on a specific day. You need to have permission to use this library. It is called Public Access.
Mr. Hwang has been there with the permission. The books are professional ones. So they may fit only those who have real cases which ended up (or will do) evolving real and serious litigations.
Sixth, you can try to go to and check one of your nearby libraries or bookstores. Just go and check things there. You can start there. If you cannot find any interesting or useful thing to you at all, then you can try to go further according to the information and experience in this writing. Almost every communities in the U.S. have a library nearby whether it is small or big.
If you already have any legal issue, we feel sorry about that. But that’s life. If you don’t have any yet. Congratulations! But that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to have one in your lifetime. Mankind doesn’t like war or crime. But the history of mankind shows that those national tragedies, social problems, and indivisual suffering and frustrations continued, continue, and will continue in the human societies.
So does dispute. It continued, continues, will continue in human societies. Legal dispute and even lawsuits are ever-present, perdurable, and imperishable in any communities in any societies. Litigations are the evolved form of solutions for such VEHEMENT DISPUTE in the process of the development and stabilization of the human civilization during the entire human history. Litigations are CIVILIZED ways of resolving indivisual issues or social problems.
Memphis is not the exception. And you are not the exception, either. It will not be about IF, but it will about WHEN in your lifetime.
And what kind of…
Written by Mr. Hwang
The Memphis Times
Published: May 18, 2022
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Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library
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Barnes & Noble
Ned R. McWherter Library
Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, Library
Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, Public Access
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The American Newspaper
The Memphis Times
[Editorial] The Meaning and Value of the Memphis Times
The Memphis Times is launched as of May 11, 2022. The meaning of its launching and the value of its existence are extremely precious, valuable, or priceless in the local communities of Memphis around Tennessee, around eastern Arkansas, and around northern Mississippi especially where superficial quasi-journalism exists or commercially slanting journalism can’t accomplish their social missions. It is above not only gold but also diamond.
The newspaper is going to perform its local journalism on the basis of moral integrity, exceptional inspiration, marvellous creativity, incredible courage, astonishing tenacity, admirable pertinacious, and journalistic excellence. The local communities around Memphis deserve them. They may have been unsatisfied desires but undiscovered demand in the local media market.
The Times can’t achieve its mission alone. It needs social cooperation and divison of roles with such local communities. Your indivisual participation and social devotion are required or recommended for the more perfect communities. We truly believe that Memphis and its satellite communities can be much better places in cooperation and in collaboration with the good local leaders and responsible citizens in the local communities.
This first step is a small but big one.
The Editorial of the Memphis Times
Published: May 11, 2022
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