[Editorial] The Case of Tyre Nichols & Its Rumors

Why was Mr. Tyre Nichols stopped?

They say that the City of Memphis released, on January 30, 2024, hours of additional video footage of the night in the year of 2023 when Mr. Tyre Nichols was beaten by five now-former Memphis Police Department officers.

It is pointed that such footage shed very little light on why Mr. Nichols was stopped. Then, we have no choice but to think that why Mr. Tyre Nichols was stopped. Again, literally, why was Mr. Nichols stopped?

If and when such video footage or other evidence does not reveal why Mr. Nichols was stopped, we have to begin to try to listen to such rumors which general public has been talking about.

In general, some rumors turn out to be true or have grounds for them. Some rumors turn out to be false and don’t have grounds for them. Some rumors are just rumors where general public cannot make final verdict or assessment because of the lack of enough evidence or information.

Each case is different. Case by case approach is necessary especially when enough information or evidence is not available. Therefore, more data should be revealed in the case of Mr. Tyre Nichols.

There were many rumors circulating in the case of Mr. Tyre Nichols. However, we don’t have enough information to verify all of such rumors. We are not in the legal position to verify them, either.

But one of the rumors should be verified. That is so-called “Love Triangle” relationship or such scenario. It sounded a very sipid subject because it sounded plausible or at least intriguing to the ears of the general public. “Love Triangle” was a topic for the gossips. That’s why people continued to talk about that especially from those who knew Mr. Nichols directly.

Again, generally speaking, rumors are just rumors. And at the same time, rumors are rumors as of at the moment because there is no enough information or evidence to verify such rumors. But a lot of rumors don’t have their opportunities to prove or to be proved whether they are true or false. They just dissappear or continue to circulate over the time. But some rumors survive and end up having their opportunities to prove that such rumors were true from the beginning or Day One.

We don’t know yet which rumors have their solid grounds or not. We don’t know yet which rumors are just baseless canard. The general public just doesn’t know yet (although some may already have known or may know). Both because of the lack of enough information and because of the lack of verification process.

However, one thing is absolutely sure and necessary. The Memphians deserve to know why Mr. Tyre Nichols was stopped.

The Editorial of the Memphis Times

[Published] January 31, 2024, Wednesday, at 7:03PM.

[Related Content] City of Memphis releases hours of new footage of Tyre Nichols’ beating: What we know (The Commercial Appeal, Jan. 30, 2024)

[Related Content] FOX13 Investigates: More video shows encounters with Tyre Nichols’ parents, officers (Fox13, Jan. 31, 2024)

[Related Content] New videos released from night of Tyre Nichols’ fatal traffic stop (Action News 5, Jan. 30, 2024)

[Related Content] Why did Memphis Police stop Tyre Nichols? New videos leave unanswered questions (WREG News Channel 3, Jan. 30, 2024)

[Related Content] New video appears to show Memphis Police officers not having a reason for pulling over Tyre Nichols (ABC24 Memphis, Jan. 30, 2024)

[Editorial] Paul Young & the Democratic Legitimacy

Is Paul Young the mayor of the City of Memphis? Should he be recognized as the mayor of the City of Memphis?

Not Yet.

He lacks the “democratic legitimacy” yet. He is not and will not be recognized until the issue of the ’election crime’ is resolved without any reasonable doubt.

Paul Young is so-called an “interim“ mayor until the issue is resolved.

The Editorial of the Memphis Times.

Published: January 29, 2024, Monday, at 6:12PM.

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[Editorial] Dumb and Dumber in Memphis

There are the ‘Dumb and Dumber’ in Memphis, TN. Who are the dumb and dumber in Memphis?

“Dumb and Dumber” is said to be a 1994 American buddy comedy film directed by Peter Farrelly, while starring Jim Carrey(Lloyd Christmas) and Jeff Daniels(Harry Dunne). The film was released on December 16, 1994 and it grossed about $247 million at the box office.

They say that the movie has developed a cult following in the years after its release and is regarded as one of the best comedies of the 1990s.

Who are the dumb and dumber in Memphis? And who is the dumb, and who is the dumber?

They are Jim Strickland and C.J. Davis. And Jim Strickland is the dumb, and C.J. Davis is the dumber.

They are the ones who should be blamed the most for the “situations” or “crisis” in terms of ‘crime-infested Memphis’ or ‘crime concerns’ in the community.

In terms of cunningness, C.J. Davis is cunning, and Jim Strickland is more cunning. But both of them are very irresponsible.

One of the urgent priorities of the next mayor, when he takes office next January in 2024, is to fire C.J. Davis. She should be removed from the position of Memphis Police Chief.

If he doesn’t do that, it means that he is another kind of ‘the dumb.’

Memphis does not need another dumb thing.

The Memphis Times

Published: October 7, 2023

[Editorial] Floyd Bonner, DUI, and his Political Motivation

DUI = driving under the influence.

Multiple Shelby County corrections officers were indicted recently in terms of the case of Mr. Gershun Freeman. Shelby County Sheriff, Floyd Bonner, was said to have called the indictments as “political” or/and politically motivated.

Mr. Bonner doesn’t deserve too much of our precious time and energy, but the Times makes its comments about Mr. Bonner regarding such incident as short and concise as possible.

Mr. Bonner’s political rhetorics seemed to have been designed for political excuses for both himself and his accused employees, and/or for political justification in terms of their alleged crimes or misconducts.

The Mephian democracy is not perfect. It reached uppermost limit when the local voters elected such irresponsible government officials like Jim Strickland and Floyd Bonner.

However, the Memphian domocracy showed its possibility or full potential, too, when the local constituents elected such decent government official like Steve Mulroy.

Public office doesn’t contain alcohol, but it contains power. Mr. Bonner can find it very hard to admit that he has a power problem, not alcohol problem. DUI not by alcohol. But DUI by power.

The Memphians found Mr. Bonner in a drunken stupor. He seems to have been driving his political vehicle while under the influence of power. He is producing such political impression of staggering drunkenly to his feet. Figuratively speaking or metaphorically speaking, he is like a drunk stumbling in the dark, looking for the loo.

His car can be pulled over by the sheriff’s deputies. Or/and his vehicle of power should be pulled over by the local constituents. His political gesture is dropping some hints for the coming Memphis mayoral election.

Mr. Bonner can or is recommended to take a long shower with warm water when he goes home today after his work. And he can have a good sleep. And the next morning, he can or should pledge himself to be a good kid or at least a better kid.

His drunken dance is ugly, but funny. And such his drunken dance seems to be so-called “Political” or “Politically Motivated.”

The Editorial of the Memphis Times.

Published: September 25, 2023

<Background Information>

– DUI = driving under the influence. (DUI is called as the crime of driving a vehicle while drunk.)

– Floyd Bonner = Shelby County Sheriff. He is running for Memphis mayor.

– Steve Mulroy = Shelby County District Attorney. He is said to recuse himself from the case of the October death of Gershun Freeman in the Shelby County Jail, known as 201 Poplar.

– Glenn Funk = Davidson County District Attorney General.

– Van Turner = former Shelby County Commissioner. He is running for Memphis mayor, too.

– “Davidson County District Attorney General Glenn Funk has decided to charge nine employees of the Shelby County Jail with second-degree murder in the death at 201 Poplar last year of inmate Gershon Freeman, the Memphis Flyer has learned, though the indictments so far remain sealed.” (Memphis Flyer, September 20, 2023)

– According to media reports and court records,

“Two officers, Stevon Jones and Courtney Parham, were charged with second-degree murder and aggravated assault while acting in concert with others. Jones was also charged with assault causing bodily harm. Jones also faces an additional count for assault.

Jeffrey Gibson, Anthony Howell, Damian Cooper, Ebonee Davis, Lareko Donwel Elliot and Chelsey Duckett were charged with aggravated assault resulting in the death of another.” (The Commercial Appeal, September 21, 2023)

– “Funk was chosen to handle the case by the Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference, following standard procedure with a district attorney recused from a case.” (The Commercial Appeal, September 21, 2023)

– Shelby County Jail’s mortality rates have been rising in recent years: 52 deaths since 2016. (The Commercial Appeal, September 21, 2023)

[Related Content] Former inmate speaks out after indictment of two jailers also charged in Gershun Freeman death (ABC24 Memphis, September 22, 2023)

[Related Content] Shelby Co. DA ‘frustrated’ by sheriff’s allegations of political indictments in Freeman case (The Commercial Appeal, September 21, 2023)

[Related Content] Nashville DA Charges Shelby Jailers in Gershon Freeman Case (Memphis Flyer, September 20, 2023)

[Related Content ] Gershun Freeman dies in jail; Deputies charged in inmate’s death in Memphis (Fox17 Nashville, September 24, 2023)

[Related Content] More details revealed about Shelby County corrections deputies charged in Gershun Freeman’s death (ABC24 Memphis, September 21, 2023)

[Related Content] Mulroy, Bonner spar over indictments in Gershun Freeman death (WREG News Channel 3, September 21, 2023)

[Related Content] [Press Conference] SCSO Press Conference (WREG News Channel 3, September 21, 2023)

[The End]

[Analysis] Why there are a lot of machinations in Memphis, TN

This notice is a Preview or a Trailer about the Analysis.

(The editor’s note: The analysis is being written right now. But it is not finished yet. Please, visit next time or on another day. Thank you.)

This analysis is about why there were and are a lot of machinations in Memphis, TN.

It is the empirical or intuitive analysis rather than the scientific or data-driven one.


There exist such phenomena of a lot of machinations or schemes in the city of Memphis, Shelby County, TN.


Historical Reason.
Cultural Reason.
Economic/Business Reason.
Psychological Reason.
Legal Reason.
Frame/Coercion towards the victims.
The problem of the legal profession, judicial circles, or legal professionals in Memphis
(The evils and the harmful effects of vicious, malicious, or crooked lawyers in Memphis)


Memphis can move forward towards an advanced city in the United States if/when such culture of machination disappear or decrease dramatically.

The culture of machination is the malignant tumor in Memphis.

Published: July 30, 2023

The Memphis Times

[Editorial] Steve Mulroy is right, and Jim Strickland is wrong

  • “Battle”, “Blow”, “Counterblow” between Mr. Mulroy and Mr. Strickland.

    Steven J. Mulroy is the District Attorney for Shelby County, Tennessee. He was elected DA in August 2022. And Jim Strickland Jr. is the current mayor of Memphis, Tennessee, serving since 2016. Those government positions are very important for the lives of local residents, and they have great impacts and can have great effects on the local community.

    It was being talked about “a back and forth between Steve Mulroy and Jim Strickland” over getting tough on crime in the city of Memphis and Shelby County recently. And local media defined it as “battle”, “blow”, “counterblow.”, “DA responds to Mayor’s criticism.” And Mr. Mulroy said, “Three strikes, you’re out.”

    However, we have to add another name for the ongoing discourse about, from, and between Mr. Mulroy and Mr. Strickland. The third name is “PIC” which is the abbreviation of “Prison-Industrial Complex.”

    According to Tufts University Prision Divestment, current estimates indicate that there are approximately 2.3 million people incarcerated in the United States, with an additional 4.5 million people on probation or parole. The US has the world’s highest incarceration rate and, despite representing under 5% of the global population, the US holds almost 20% of the global prison population (Prison Policy Initiative).
  • What is the Prison-Industrial Complex(PIC)?

Abolitionist organization Critical Resistance explained it as “the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) is a term we use to describe the overlapping interests of government and industry that use surveillance, policing, and imprisonment as solutions to economic, social and political problems.”

The prison-industrial complex (PIC) is said to be a term, coined after the “military-industrial complex” of the 1950s, used by scholars and activists to describe the many relationships between institutions of imprisonment (such as prisons, jails, detention facilities, and psychiatric hospitals) and the various businesses that benefit from them.(Source: Wikipedia)

They say that the PIC is not just the prisons themselves or incarceration. The PIC is said to be an interlocking web of many different systems that assure the powerful will stay in power. In terms of “PIC”, there exists such issues of (A) the expansive network of people and parties with vested interests in mass incarceration, and of (B) how this network functions to fill prisons and support mass incarceration.

It seems that there are such players in terms of the field or the industry including, but not limited to government and law enforcement agencies, private prison companies, suppliers and service providers, lobbying groups and politicians, and so forth. Justice Education Project analyzed like this. “Some of these systems include prisons, the bail system, the police, courts, and more.

The Project continued to say, “Private prison companies rake in huge profits for incarcerating people and politicians garner support for being “tough on crime.” All of these people and companies profit greatly from incarcerating, transporting, feeding and exploiting prisoners.”

Such players are not the only players in the field. Even media play their roles for that. It is said that mass media helps to depict a large variety of oppressed peoples (people of color, poor people, LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, youth) as criminals or people who need to be stopped.”

ChatGPT says, “Some politicians and interest groups may support policies that lead to increased incarceration rates or longer sentences, which can further the growth of the prison system.” It is said that the prison-industrial complex is criticized by many activists, scholars, and advocacy groups for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to incentive for incarceration, mass incarceration, inequity and racial bias, lack of rehabilitation, human rights concerns, and so on.

ChatGPT concludes like this, “Efforts to address these concerns include advocating for criminal justice reforms, reducing mandatory minimum sentences, improving rehabilitation programs, and reassessing the role of private companies in the prison system.”

  • PIC, Memphis, and Shelby County, TN

    We have a fundamental question about, to, and for Mr. Strickland about his policies on crime. He can answer or make his comment when he is ready to.

    Question: Is Jim Strickland, Mayor of Memphis, one of those politicians who have been suspected to support such policies that can lead to increased incarceration rates or longer sentences, which can further the growth of the prison system in Shelby County, TN?

We ask another question to ourselves. Why is the prison industrial complex a problem?

We present this explanation instead. Justice Education Project explains, “Private prisons make more profit with more inmates, so instead of working with the goal of rehabilitating people and returning them to society, they work with the goal of keeping as many inmates incarcerated for as long as possible. This then contributes to the cycle of over-policing and longer sentences.”

Justice Education Project concludes, “The Prison Industrial Complex exploits incarcerated people on a daily basis. Private prisons not only make a profit just from holding incarcerated people, but can also force those people to partake in prison labor due to a loophole in the 13th Amendment. Our criminal justice system is riddled with injustice, but the PIC creates and upholds some of the most inhumane and unjust systems.”

Whenever we see the face of Mr. Strickland in the television regardless of whether you think his face is handsome or not, or even ugly, it is suspected that the “IMAGE” of PIC is overlapped or superimposed with his face.

As the Times pointed out in another editorial, in order to respond the local crime in Memphis and Shelby County, the COMPREHENSIVE COUNTERMEASURES are necessary and the INCLUSIVE SOLUTIONS should be suggested.

Just only trying to send more people into prison cannot solve the various social problems in Memphis and Shelby County in terms of “fighting against crime” or “getting tough on crime.”

In order to treat or cure diseases on human body, you need to cure the cause, not the symptom. That is the fundamental difference between ‘charlatans or quack doctors’ and ‘excellent or noted doctors.’

It seems that Mr. Strickland has been thinking of or talking about such symptoms during the last 7 or 8 years. But the good news is that a new mayor will be elected on this coming October, 2023. It is really a good news.

Published: July 26, 2023

The Memphis Times

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[Editorial] The Important Issues for the Imminent Mayoral Election in Memphis

Every election has its own issues. Memphis suffers from more than several important issues for the daily lives of the Memphians. Here are some of the important issues which were, are, or will be talked about or discussed before, during, or even after the mayoral election in the city of Memphis, Tennessee.

First, the MINIMUM WAGE should be increased in the city of Memphis. The minimum wage is said to be the lowest hourly wage that employers are legally required to pay their workers. The working class in Memphis deserves better and higher wages no matter what.

The issue of the minimum wage in Shelby County and the city of Memphis is much more important than any other counties or cities in the State of Tennessee because it is closely related to or connected with other socioeconomic factors in and for the city of Memphis where such economic opportunities and financial tranquility or serenity are so much important for the social stability and prosperity.

Second, as you already know or may know, we should deal with the urgent issue of fighting against crimes. However, it is not enough to adopt a stopgap measures or such policies. A myopic or a short-sighted way of thinking cannot solve or decrease the social problems of crime in the city of Memphis.

The COMPREHENSIVE COUNTERMEASURES are necessary for responding to the local crimes. And the INCLUSIVE SOLUTIONS should be suggested not only in order to fight against the local crimes, but also in order to decrease the increasing crimes.

Of course, we have to deal with different kinds of street crimes. But the Memphians have to open their eyes in terms of so-called “Hybrid Crimes” in Memphis. Such crimes are the mixture or the cross-breed of the physical(violent) and the white-collar crimes which actually exist in Memphis.

The criminals who commit such hybrid crimes don’t run away when they are caught or when their crimes are discovered or revealed. Instead they tries to hurt or threaten the victims or destroy the lives of the victims through various way including, but not limited to extraordinary schemes or unbelievable machinations.

Third, the GOVERNMENT REFORM must be pursued. Both the political and legal accountability should be found and realized for the government officials who are allegedly corrupt or even criminal. Judicial decisions should be verified by microscope. Administrative actions should be reviewed with attention. Political activities of local politicians should be monitored with seriousness.

Citizens, media, and activists should be more involved in the local democratic process. The local democracy of Memphis should not proclaimed or declared only in the school textbooks. The spirit of democracy should be alive in the local community.

Forth, the RULE OF LAW should function fundamentally in the city of Memphis. There seem to be a lot of serious allegations not only judicial misconducts or police misconducts, but also even judicial crimes and police crimes. And so-called “crooked” lawyers should be censured, condemned, denounced, sanctioned, or even disqualified.

And even though Memphis is located about 3 hours away, by car, from Nashville, but the Memphians need to pay attention to what’s going on in the General Assembly in Nashville because the laws of the State of Tennessee were, are, and will be made there in Nashville. The lives of the Memphians are governed by the constitution and laws of the State of Tennessee including the constitution and laws of the United States of America.

Fifth, the spirit of COMPASSIONATE SOCIETY should be valued or realized in the local community. Such culture of exclusion, discrimination, coercion, disregard, negligence, or ignorance has been deeply penetrated into or widely distibuted over the local culture or minds.

The city of Memphis has been facing very challenging local issues which are both political and social. Some of the urgent issues among them are the minimum wages, the comprehensive countermeasures against the crimes, the government reform, the rule of law, the spirit of compassionate society in the local community, and so on.

Memphis should take a leap in order to move forward, not backward. This city should not be stalled or in a rut.

One vote of a Memphian citizen for the next mayoral election had never been more important than that of the year of 2023 throughout the entire history of the city of Memphis.

You can make a history. And you can make a difference.

Published: July 16, 2023

The Memphis Times